Úhnyeh tíhsnęʔ Urihwehkę́·haʔnęʔ
News and Events

Waʔękwaʔnawę́·ryeʔ haʔ Katáʔnuiʔ

On February 15, Rahnà·wakę·w Donnie McDowell presented his captivating lecture, "Surviving Extinction:  Land Claims and Tuscarora Treaties," hosted by the city of Raleigh at Mordecai House.  The lecture explored the complex and often painful history of land rights, treaties and survival of the Tuscarora people.  Runęhkwáʔčhęʔ Duane Brayboy also gave a presentation on the Tuscarora language and opened the event with the traditional Haʔ Kanęherathę́hčreh Address.  

Haʔ Wathuráhthaʔ Kanę́hse·θ

Prospect Longhouse is the oldest standing longhouse in North Carolina.  Our Mohawk relatives from Akwesasne came to Robeson County in 1928, led by Chief Snow, for the purpose of assisting us in reestablishing our longhouse tradition after many years of oppression.  The longhouse they built was in the Brooks Settlement and was commonly known as the Brooks Longhouse.  After the land was purchased that the longhouse rested on in 1959, assimilationists dismanted the longhouse board by board and repurposed the wood.  Afterwards, Tuscaroras from the Brooks Longhouse held ceremonies in barns and even a shuttered grocery store until 1969, when those Tuscaroras built Prospect Longhouse.  After years of weathering, the longhouse was recently renovated by proud Tuscaroras.  Prospect and Maxton Longhouses are the only Tuscarora longhouses in NC.   

Haʔ Katkwarà·yęʔ Θkwarì·nę

The Tuscarora Nation assisted in 
securing a $25 million grant to
build wildlife crossings that 
will help the nearly extinct
red wolves endure.

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It is always an educational and fun time when Corn Master Dave Smoke (Akwesasne Mohawk) pays the Tuscarora Nation a visit.  From pit smoked local catfish to kanehúčhęʔ, Dave is proficient and he has earned his place among one of the best Native chefs in Native America.  

Haʔ Kanę̀·węʔ Kayęʔnaʔyásθhara·k Haʔ Kayeʔketí·θʔah.

The Tuscarora Women's Group sponsored 16 children for Christmas.  It has always been our way to take care of our own and the Women's Group, along with participation from some of the men, have taken care of as many children as possible this Christmas.  The Tuscarora Nation is proud of the Women's Group for being caretakers of the children.  

Yuθaheʔračì·wakęʔ Hà·neʔ Yawé·kʔę

Congratulations to Angela Jones for winning 1st place in the Second Annual Tuscarora Chili Cookoff.  Second place was Nancy and Sam Pedro and Marcus Bullard in 3rd place.  We are grateful to the women for bringing the community together for a good cause.   Proceeds will go towards providing gifts, coats and clothing for children in our community.  

Rahnà·wakę·w Wahraʔtkáhryeʔ

Tuscaroras gave a presentation in Knightdale / Raleigh and Rahnà·wakę·w Donnie McDowell spoke in detail about the treaties that the NC Tuscarora hold with the government and how the government's refusal to honor our treaties affect the Tuscarora today.  Through our ancient resilience, we endure.  


Again the Tuscarora Nation is proud of Iesha Ford for her magnificent representation.  These two paintings will be displayed at the Robeson County Arts Council throughout Native American Heritage Month.

Rahnà·wakę·w Rutyá·kęʔ Kayęʔnaʔnehúʔthahθ

The Tuscarora Nation is proud of Iesha Ford as she has earned her first art exhibition, which will be showcased during Native American Heritage Month, ending on November 23.  You may support her work by attending one of her showings.  

Where:  Arts Council of Fayetteville, 301 Hay Street, Fayetteville, NC, 28301 

Tayhanoʔčawá·ryehs Kę̀·neʔ Waʔękhirihę́·tyęʔ

Dave Smoke (Akwesasne Mohawk), founder of Corn Mafia, taught us about growing, cultivating, storing and preparing Tuscaroa white corn, as well as roasting gourds.  

Join us when Rahnà·wakę·w of the Beaver Clan speaks of our history and treaties.   


Phillip Locklear (Bear Clan) was one of the first to arrive in western NC to help restore power to the Asheville area population.  Phillip is the son of Chief Stan Locklear of Prospect and Bear Clan Mother Faye Locklear.  The Tuscarora Nation supports Phillip in his work and remains proud of his willingness to help those in need.

Naryęʔnaʔnasθhará·ʔnye haʔ Yękwę̀·ruh

Caring for one another in our villages has always been a defining Tuscarora attribute and a point of pride for us.  Miss Jennifer Locklear and Miss Kim Locklear regularly host meals for elders.  Maxton Longhouse also regularly offers free produce boxes for anybody who needs them, regardless of race or tribal affiliation.  

Kim Locklear cooks for the elders.

Elders enjoying a nutritious, home made meal.

Haʔ Skarù·ręʔ Akęnháʔkye Yękwaʔteyarúhčręʔ

The Tuscarora Nation of North Carolina hosted another successful summer camp for the children.  The Tuscarora women (Jennifer Locklear, Kim Locklear, Dina Sue Barton) taught the children how to make dream catchers, gourd bird houses, feather fans, hair accessories, medicines and played lacrosse.  Award winning smoke dancer, Marcus Dunn, passed down his knowledge to the children.   

WUNC Interviews Rahnà·wakę·w Donnie McDowell, Tuscarora Nation of NC's Public Relations Representative.

May 31, 2024

Rahnà·wakę·w (Beaver Clan) is a Tuscarora author, poet, father and husband.

Click here to hear the interview

Tuscarora Press Conference at NC House of Representatives 

The Tuscarora Nation of North Carolina held a press conference at the NC House of Representatives on May 21, 2024 in support of HB 970.  One hundred and thirty-nine years is a long time to wait for justice.  

Waʔwnatukę́hti:  Tuscarora Land Acknowledgement 

Tuscarora Nation citizens Yeręhyahukáʔthaʔ Eudora Locklear and Runęhkwáʔčhęʔ Duane Brayboy speak a land acknowledgement in Wilmington, NC on May 1, 2024 at the request of the internationally renowned band Portugal, The Man.    

Tuscarora Nation Names Surviving Red Wolves in NC

The Tuscarora Nation of NC was asked to give names in the Tuscarora language to the surviving red wolves, as they are in traditional Tuscarora territory.  For more information, click the "Read more" button below.  

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Haʔ Skarù·ręʔ Yękwaʔteyarúhčręʔ Thwaʔká·yè·ʔr

Knowledge is power and power strengthens our nation.  

Yeręhyahukáʔthaʔ Eudora (Turtle, Saddletree) and Vanessa (Deer, Maxton) enjoying the conference with immediate family and tribal family.  

"In the light of the truth, the past is illuminated."

Historic Native nations overwhelmingly have two or more names; the one we call ourselves and the one(s) our allies, neighbors or enemies called us:  Skarù·ręʔ, Tuscarora, Mongoack/Mingo, Aniʔskalaʔli are names we are and have been known by.  

Syà·wę awę·tękę́·haʔnęʔ hà·neʔ účʔaht haʔ Skarù·ręʔ.  

A basic Tuscarora map to show the extent of our traditional territory via our language.  

Runęhkwáʔčhęʔ explained the origins of our names and migration across Turtle Island.

Tuscarora Language Featured on PBS’s Native America Series Interactive Tribal Language Map

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The Tuscarora Nation mourns the loss of one of our own. Roy Maynor was a descendant of the "Original 22."


Congratulations are in order for Lakola Cook (Bear Clan), as she has earned the position of Assistant Principal at Magnolia Elementary School.  Lakola previously served as an Academic Coach at Magnolia.  This appointment is the inevitable result of her stellar résumé. 

Lakola is a graduate of UNC-Pembroke (MSA, Administration and BS, Mathematics) and has been awarded Teacher of the Year twice.   

Lakola is the daughter of Chief Cecil and Mazell Hunt of Neyuręʔaʔnúʔknę (Saddletree) and is also a mother and wife. 

The Tuscarora Nation is proud of Lakola.  She brings honor to the people. 

Waʔnyękhinęherá·thęʔ haʔ Rahθęʔnyéha·ʔ.

Rahθęʔnyéha·ʔ Christopher Lowry was honored at our powwow on Saturday, May 13.  Chris is the eldest son of George and Leah Lowry.  He earned his Masters of Science degree in School Psychology in December, 2021 at Marion Francis University and graduated with a specialist's degree in School Psychology in May, 2023.  He is currently working in the Public Schools of Robeson County as a School Psychologist.  Chris may next pursue a Psychology Doctorate in Health Psychology.  
Rahθęʔnyéha·ʔ Chris is a Tuscarora language speaker and direct descendant of many influential Tuscaroras who fought to preserve our nation.  He continues their path to bring us honor.

Rahθęʔnyéha·ʔ Chris Lowry (right) is photographed with Beaver Clan Chief, Stan Locklear.  

Congratulations are in order for Orenda Locklear!  Orenda (Deer Clan) is a recipient of the 2023 United Tribes Scholarship Award.  She has remained constant in her quest of becoming a veterinarian since she was a girl.  Healing the animal people is an honorable pursuit and the Tuscarora Nation wishes all success to Orenda (photographed with her parents On'yas and Vanessa Locklear).

We will be known by the footprints we leave behind.  Seneka Locklear (January 6, 2001 ~ January 19, 2022) was a beloved son of the Tuscarora Nation.  He brought us honor.  We are pleased to announce that Senekakę́heʔ will be honored at the 2023 Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque, NM on April 28 & 29.  

It's a Good Day To Dine at Prospect Cookhouse.

For many years, Prospect cookhouse has operated on Fridays, between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., offering home cooked meals. The Tuscarora nation can claim many accomplished cooks and some operate the Prospect cookhouse.
85 Twinkle Lane, Maxton, NC, 28364