Tuscarora Government

The Tuscarora Nation of North Caroilna is comprised of three bands, which, after millennia, is the only political body of Tuscaroras remaining in the colonial state of North Carolina.

Maxton Longhouse

Chief On'yas Locklear (Beaver Clan) governs the largest longhouse in NC and hosts our annual powwow.

Maxton Public Relations

Rahnà·wakę·w Donnie McDowell (Beaver Clan)
Title:  Rawętihęré·thaʔ (Tuscarora Nation Representative)
Contact:  tuscaroranationpublicrelations@gmail.com

Saddletree Community

Chief Cecil Hunt (Turtle Clan) is our eldest chief. He has fought for Tuscarora rights and for our treaties to be honored for many decades.

Saddletree Public Relations

Yeręhyahukáʔthaʔ Eudora Locklear (Turtle Clan) is the Public Relations Representative for Saddletree Community.  Contact: 
P.O. Box 627, Red Springs, NC
Email:  TuscaroratribeNC01@gmail.com

Prospect Longhouse

Chief Stan Locklear (Beaver Clan) is a lifelong member of the Prospect community and governs the oldest standing longhouse in North Carolina.

Prospect Public Relations

Runęhkwáʔčhęʔ Duane Brayboy (Bear Clan) is the Public Relations Representative for Prospect Longhouse. Contact: Skarure.language@gmail.com